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tu sei qui: GastronomyRestaurantsTorre Normanna Restaurant and Exclusive Events

Last update 4044 days ago | Friday, April 19, 2024 8:11 AM

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Torre Normanna Restaurant and Exclusive Events


Written by (admin), Sunday, February 3, 2013 12:16:49 PM

Last updated Sunday, February 3, 2013 12:17:53 PM

The Norman Tower is the biggest e the oldest one in the AMALFI COAST.

Built between 1250 and 1300, it served to the sighting and the fighting the ships of raiders.

It is in a 1777 PAINTING, in a 1817 PICTURE and in many works of art of MODERN and CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS.

The tower's structure includes restaurants, meetings and conferences room, bathing beach and sea cliff, solarium, ...

From 2008, PROTO BROTHERS manage the Norman Tower ...

During 15 years, they are excelling in the Art of Gastronomy. Their RESTAURANT, l'ARSENALE at MINORI in AMALFI COAST is FAMOUS IN THE WORLD. Now, they are here ...

The specialities, the wines, the courtesy of Proto Brothers have appreciated so much and get really flattering comments

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